CRC Annual Reporting… Is it the same old thing?

Is it the “Same old, same old…”? Our Energy Services Coordinator asks the question.

In many ways, yes, the CRC Annual Reporting process is full of repeated activities and communications that have become well-rehearsed over the years.

But the CRC reporting process has created some transformations in our sector that are worth talking about.

Firstly, due to this perennial activity, the act of gathering CRC data has become different. It has become much easier. The data that I review and collate now is in a far better state than in the early days of CRC, or even at the start of phase 2. Organisations have employed a variety of strategies to ensure their energy information is more accurate. These include regular meter reads for smaller sites; accessing higher quality data for renewables; and energy suppliers facilitating demand for HH and AMR data.

Secondly, energy management teams have benefitted from the CRC reporting process and have acquired excellent knowledge of their annual energy usage. They are switched on and fully aware of their usual or expected carbon footprint when it comes to buildings’ energy use, and how this has changed over time.

While somewhat laborious, this annual reporting activity has instigated lots of positive activities over the years. This includes querying bill data, investigating poorly performing buildings or energy systems, or prompting the renewal or upgrade of facilities. While it is only a small part of a much bigger picture in the world of energy and asset management, CRC, and the reporting on carbon footprint of buildings, has become a key element of measuring how a portfolio is performing.

Finally, we have a well-documented and evidenced set of data that can be used in future analysis. Prior to CRC this information may well have been kept, but not necessarily in a consistent manner. Comparisons against time, with similar buildings and with similar organisations can be more readily achieved.

We know there are only two years left of CRC annual reporting. There is still uncertainty about what exactly will follow in terms of any legislative requirements, but I find it hard to imagine that organisations won’t want to continue to know the progress of their carbon footprint as we move beyond CRC.

For more information about our CRC services, click here.

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